31 Days With the Book of Proverbs: A Daily Bible Study – Day 10

“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband too and he praises her.” 

Proverbs 31:28

On Mother’s Day we jump ahead to Proverbs 31, the last chapter of the book, to the Ode to a Capable Woman.  Here the writer praises a woman, wife, mother, homemaker, manager of servants, a buyer and seller of land, a master of weaving and other crafts, whose love and ability and steadfastness blesses all she knows, especially her children and her husband.  It is one of a most beautiful chapters in scripture!

Mothers give precious gifts to their families.  My Mother died on my 21st birthday, but I still rejoice in her memory and in the gifts she gave me, especially her gift of music, the piano, and the many gospel songs I still sing which were taught me at her side. I remember how she worked during the Korean War while my Dad was in the Navy.  How she cared for me when I was ill.  And how she bribed me to take piano lessons… another story! Blessed memories.  And I see the mothers of today working often multiple jobs, driving kids to their myriad of events, caring for family, often their parents and all too often grandchildren.  They too are blessings. So let us bless mothers, and let us all, men and women, young and old, work together to enable and secure the role of women in our “brave new world” knowing that we have been truly blessed by our mothers.

Drew Harvey

Photo by Brody Childs on Unsplash

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