Adult Ministry
Connecting with Our Lord through Small Groups
Pastor’s Weekly Sermon Small Group
This small group meets weekly with the pastor leading a discussion of sermon series’ that he uses in Sunday Worship. It is an opportunity for positive changes in your life and a deeper understanding of God.
Leader: Pastor Jeff Vanderhoff
Day Timers Bible Study
The Day Timers group meets each Wednesday morning and part of their activities is to discuss selected books and chapters of the Bible.
Leader: Deve Brunson
Friends Together Small Group
This Bible study is targeted for the woman at Trinity and is held on Friday mornings. The study uses books of Christian writing as well as popular books that have a spiritual message.
Leader: Mary Lou Lazear
Trinity UMC Men Weekly Bible Discussion Group
The Methodist Men meet each Saturday morning for selected scripture readings and discussions. Social hour begins at 8:00 AM with a one-hour Bible Study starting at 9:00 AM. This group also has an annual retreat at Jumonville, an annual spaghetti dinner, and hosts a spaghetti dinner for the Trinity Cub Scout troop.
Leader: Dave Hay
Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study
There are two studies each year presented in this group. An 8 to 10-week fall study is conducted and a 6 to 8-week study in conducted during Lent. DISCIPLE aims at transformation, not just information, and calls on persons to submit themselves to examination by Scripture, to put themselves under the power of God’s Word, and to be changed by God’s Word. Recent studies have included an Interpretation Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark, and Interpretation Bible Study on Acts, a discussion of the book Radical Forgiveness by Brian Zahnd, and An Invitation to Psalms.
Leader: Pastor Drew Harvey
Dinner for Eight
Groups of eight will be paired up (couples will be together in a group) to meet for monthly dinners for four months. This is a great opportunity to meet and get to know other members of your church family.
Connecting with Our Lord through Christian Formation
Worship Team
Worship Team includes Worship service greeters, ushers, Worship hosts and liturgists. Greeters and ushers are the first people to meet worshippers as they arrive at Trinity. These individuals provide seating assistance, directions, meeting individual needs and praying for those who enter for Worship. Worship hosts and liturgists welcome all worshipers to service, share and emphasize important announcements, offer prayers, and read scripture.
Leaders: Robin Smith (Ushers), Eileen Glass (Greeters), Mary Agnew (Worship Hosts/Liturgists)
Hospitality Committee
Fellowship and hospitality are provided between worship services. Set-up and snack preparation are needed for this time of fellowship and hospitality.
Leader: Heather Burtch
Trinity Connect – New Members Class
This ministry supports Trinity’s newest members through nurturing so they will quickly identify their spiritual gifts and become fully integrated into the ministry and life at Trinity.
Leader: Pastor Jeff Vanderhoff
Barnabas Ministry
This ministry is an outreach to our college students and persons serving in the military. Just as the apostle Barnabas, it provides ongoing encouragement and support through cards, notes and care packages throughout the year. Individuals or families sign up to serve as a Barnabas to one of our college students or service persons.
Leader: Heather Burtch
Witness Moments in Worship
This ministry seeks to provide opportunities for church members and friends to express moments of God’s presence in their lives and thanksgiving to the Lord for blessings in their lives. In addition, devotional reading will be used in the worship service witness moments. The witness moments will be planned on a periodic basis for worship services.
Leader: Pastor Jeff Vanderhoff
Acolytes are children and youth ages 7 -13 years. At the beginning and end of each service, the transference of the “Light” is completed in a meaningful and reverent way. Instructions in the procedure, as well as the meaning of the role of acolyte, are completed several times each year. Children are scheduled on a rotating basis.
Leader: Gail Lynn
Chancel Choir
This is the adult choir at Trinity. It sings each Sunday at the 11:00 AM service from September through mid-June.
Leader: Bob Agnew
Praise Team
This music group leads the Worship music in Trinity’s contemporary celebration service at 9:30 AM.
Leader: Dan Lutes
Jubilee Bell Ringers
The bell choir use handbells in praise of our Lord. They practice weekly and ring monthly at the 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM service, and at special events and festivals.
Leader: Kathy Knouse
Kingdom Kids Children’s Choir
This is Trinity’s pre-kindergarten thru 3rd grade children’s choir that sings monthly at Sunday worship services.
Leader: Amy Fornear
Quiet Bags
During worship, quiet bags are provided to children 3 years of age through 2nd grade with coloring pages, books and quiet toys.
Leader: Mary Agnew
Multimedia Team
This ministry provides the technical skill required for use of visual aids, video clips, and sound system to support the pastor, the musicians and singers, Worship hosts/liturgists and everything else that needs to be heard and seen during Worship services, retreats and other special events.
Leader: Carol Anderson
Chancel Guild
Every time worship and the Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated at Trinity, the Chancel Guild lovingly prepares the sanctuary and the altar. The Guild also delivers altar flowers to the ill or shut-ins.
Leader: Barb Yuss
Child Care/Nursery
Trinity is blessed with children and a vital ministry is the care of the youngest amongst us. Individuals and staff of our child care areas offer a safe, fun and quality setting during Worship service.
Leader: Joyce Wells
Deaf & Hearing Ministry
This ministry uses American Sign Language to interpret Trinity’s 9:30 a.m. worship service each week as part of the congregation’s ministry with the deaf community. Additionally, for persons hard of hearing, small amplifying devices are available to for use during worship services.
Connecting with Our Lord through Prayer
Prayer Chain
This ministry is comprised of Trinity members who pray daily for persons with specific health or spiritual needs.
Leader: Mary Agnew
Prayer Vigil
This ministry sets aside one Saturday each month for members to spend time in prayer at the church, at home or in another quiet place.
Leader: Carol Anderson
Congregational Prayer Requests
This ministry provides to the congregation via the Sunday Worship Service bulletin, a listing of all requests received seeking prayer from our church family.
Leader: Eileen Glass
Lenten & Advent Devotionals
This ministry provides favorite devotions, personal prayers or reflections from members and friends that are compiled into a devotional booklet to be shared with our church family and friends. These devotionals help in our preparation and reflection during these two important times in the church calendar.
Leader: Bob Wild
Highlights Prayer Corner
This ministry provides a monthly listing of members of the congregation that are to be lifted up in prayer during each month.
Leader: Mary Agnew
Prayer Through Crafts Ministry
This ministry strives to bring God’s love through the warmth and comfort of home-made personal item, including shawls, blankets and other personal goods. The items are knitted or crocheted out of love and compassion for those in need of comfort and peace. This ministry includes Prayer Shawls and Knit, Pray, Love/Crafty Women initiatives.
Leader: Bev Park (Prayer Shawls), Kathy Knouse (KPL, Crafty Women)
Lay Speaking Team
This team includes Certified Lay Speakers that are called upon to share the good news of Jesus Christ at Trinity and other churches, as called.
Leader: Mary Agnew
Communications Team
This ministry ensures that the Trinity family is well informed of the many ministries and opportunities to worship and serve at Trinity and in our community and world. Specific ministries include the Trinity Highlights Monthly Newsletter, and the Trinity Website.
Leader: Mary Agnew (Highlights), Jackie Campbell (Website)
Connecting with Our Lord through Caring Actions
- Health Care Ministry Team
- Card Ministry
- Flower & Bulletin Remembrance
- United Methodist Women’s Book Club
- Stephen Ministry
Connecting with Our Lord through Service to Others
- Appalachian Service Project
- Family Promise
- Outreach Mission Trips
- South Hills Interfaith Ministry
- Peter’s Township Food Pantry
- Trinity Weekday School
- Mom’s Day Out
- Boy & Girl Scout Programs
- Monthly Mission Offerings
- Operation Christmas Child
- United Methodist Women
- Asbury Heights Christmas Card Outreach
- Meal Ministry
- Meeting Space for Community Groups
- United Methodist Women Projects
Connecting with Our Lord through Stewardship of Our Resources
- Church Council
- Finance Committee
- Board of Trustees
- Staff-Parish Relations Committee
- Endowment Fund Committee
- Committee on Lay Leadership
- Call to Ministry Planning Committee
- Methodist Men’s Fix-It Ministry
- Green Team
- Disabilities Awareness Committee
Proposed & Emerging Connections to Our Lord
- Spiritual Growth Ministry
- Neighbors-in-Christ Small Groups
- Crib-to-Toddler Care Team
- Children’s Ministry Team
- Hospital Ministry
- Bereavement Ministry
- Shut-in Outreach
- Prison Ministry
- Inactive Member Outreach
- Intercessory Prayer Team
- Pastor’s Prayer Partners
- Church Family Fellowship Dinners
- Highlights New Members Page
- Outdoor Activity Group
- Property Rehabilitation & Maintenance Ministry
- Transportation Ministry